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Employee Opinion & Organizational Climate Surveys

Employee opinions and attitudes are one of the key set of metrics that should always be up front on the organizational dashboard.


Every organization of size needs to perform a comprehensive employee opinion/organizational climate survey and to compare trends with previous surveys.  Targeted benefits of these studies can include:


  • Workforce Satisfaction Data

  • Potential Turnover

  • Supervisory Effectiveness

  • Problems and Issues in Specific Department

  • Digesting Organizational Changes

  • Individual Manager Effectiveness

  • Employee Engagement and Inclusion

  • Cultural Transformation

  • Employee Ideas and Suggestions For Improvement


We design Organizational Climate Surveys in a deep consult with leadership first and include not only standard measurements, but specific issue and change related topics unique to your organization.  The power of our analysis and reporting comes from being able to segment demographic variables such as department, years on the job, employee vs. management etc. 


These studies, while administrated anonymously for maximum participation can still be designed to capture the rich and relevant data that will aid in effective organizational decision making and strategic planning. It is often prudent to hire an outside objective firm like ours to handle this type of study to help create the appearance of unbiased data collection.


We compile summary highlight reports for the entire employee population if necessary, executive summary reports (with drill downs) and individual department reports for department managers.  Departmental reports are often important components of individual manager effectiveness evaluation.


Contact us for a short consult on the employee opinion/workforce study you have in mind.  




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