The Teamwork Behavior Awareness Inventory is a 25 question self assessment that measures an overall level of teamwork behavior & scores in five categories including: Sensitivity To Others, Contribution, Efficiency, Commitment & Personal Style.
This is a printable field self assessment designed to be utilized with employees,managers and work groups. This re-usable instrument is a great tool for creating self awareness of how individuals positively or negatively influence the dynamics in a work group or team.
This tool is designed for administration by an HR professional, internal consultant of trainer or departmental manager but is easy enough to lead by a responsible manager or supervisor.
HR Directors are often faced with the reality of difficult employees. These employees may be making a valuable contribution to the work of the team but may have abrasive or irritating behaviors when working with others. These individuals may not be receiving the feedback and coaching they need to increase their self awareness about how to be a more effective team member. The self-assessment process utilized by the Teamwork Behavior Awareness Inventory leads each employee inthe group through a process whereby they measure their own effectiveness in each specific area in five major categories.
This process of checking in with healthy teamwork behaviors is combined with a triads coaching process where employees coach one another and share suggestions for improvement in one another's weak areas as indicated by the self-assessment. This process helps to affirm that everyone can benefit from improvement in teamwork while opening up individuals to looking at the areas they need to target for their own improvement. This instrument also helps set a standard of behavior for the group and arms individuals with a model of positive teamwork behavior to strive for in their interactions with one another.
Teamwork Behavior Awareness Inventory Download Licensed copy for field use/reuse with all your teams. $89.