Assessments Audits & Surveys
Data driven decision making is the name of the game and all organizations need it.
Collecting the types of data you need, analyzing it and developing findings & recommendations is a specialty practice area for our firm.
We have done many types of surveys with a wide range of data collection methods from machine readable forms, field interviewing to focus groups, mailers and online survey instruments. Topics for data collection include:
Customer Satisfaction
Organizational Climate
Technology Evaluation
Readiness For Change
Competency Assessment
Educational Evaluation
and more..
World Class Leadership
Are you a World Class Leader? Do you know what it takes to be called 'World Class' by your colleagues, your customers and your boss? See what the research says, and perform your own self-scored evaluation. Afterwards apply the improvement guidelines to transform your leadership - regardless of your job title.
In addition to customized instruments we offer our own family of research based audits, self assessment instruments and surveys which anyone can download individually or license for use at their company.
These include:
The Teamwork Survey For Work Groups
Anonymous 50 Question Survey Of Teamwork
This instrument was developed by us for use with hundreds of thousands in our team development programs. A comprehensive 'diagnosis' of teamwork in any organization, department or work team, there is no better teamwork measurement assessment available. All forms, administration guidelines, scoring, analysis and facilitation directions are included. License this instrument one time and use if forever with the work groups at your company.
Sales Person Effectiveness Assessment
Mastering The Customer-Supplier Relationship
Long term customer supplier relationships are one of your organization's keys to success. Are your sales people demonstrating the best practices that will insure customer loyalty, preference and a high return and recommend rate? Use this powerful research based assessment to improve sales effectiveness across the board.
Youth Leadership Assessment
This instrument is designed for ages 12-21, small group interaction, discussion and includes an emphasis in five categories including:
Supporting Others Self-Management Self-Awareness Focus On Excellence Motivating Others
Now in its 17th year this assessment has been utilized by a wide range of youth and school programs to measure leadership.