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This instrument is used to quantify the strengths and opportunities for improvement of any intact functional work group.  Team members anonymously rate each question on a scale of 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) for each question.  An overall report includes averages for each category of the survey as well as each question.


> 50 Questions in 10 Categories Of Teamwork


> 1-10 Likert Style Scale


> Open Ended Questions To Add Color To Hard Measures


> Effective Baseline For Pre and Post Intervention Measurement

About the Teamwork Survey For Work Groups

This powerful instrument is ideally utilized with intact work  teams who have been together for three months or more.  The Teamwork Survey For Work Groups reviews a wide range of the most common issues and teamwork factors that teams of all kinds face regularly.


This instrument was developed based on experience measuring teamwork with tens of thousands of survey participants from many different industries.  It is ideal for any department, management team, or even entire companies.  Minimum group size for administration is 6 people to retain anonymity.












The strengths of this instrument are several:

1)      Provides a comprehensive review of a range of 50 common teamwork factors.


2)      Creates the opportunity for all team members to be heard from and to share opinions honestly without being ‘put on the spot’ or feeling uncomfortable sharing their perspectives in front of others.


3)      Numeric measurement and statistical analysis insure that the collective attitude of the entire work group is captured and that appropriate emphasis is given to issues in common rather than individual opinions or statistical outliers.


4)      The Teamwork Survey captures opinions of everyone and insures that typically louder or more domineering team members do not stifle the quieter ones and everyone participates.


5)      The design of the instrument identifies overall scores and teamwork performance, as well as analyzing teamwork by category and by individual question.  The Teamwork Survey Impact Chart graphically represents the overall results against the results for each question and category where the obvious strengths and weaknesses and their effects can be easily recognized.


6)      One of the biggest benefits of the Teamwork Survey for Work Groups is that it allows team members to identify and discuss their issues and challenges in an open and constructive way – giving them permission and the proper space to address any shortcomings  This process often provides the ‘release valve’ for pent up tensions individuals may have been harboring for some time.


7)      The Teamwork Survey For Work Groups process is often a critical step in any team building process to allow members to identify and constructively vent about their issues, so they are then willing psychologically to move forward and make changes or try new behaviors such as those taught in a team development training program.


8)      The Teamwork Survey For Work Groups is also a great issue identification tool that will effectively guide decision making about what type of team building activities or training will best fit the developmental needs of the team.


This instrumnet is set up for group and team administration and includes everything you need to measure the strenghts and weakneses of your team. Reuse this instrument again and again with multiple groups in your organization.

Included are all the charts, report templates and support videos to help you easily utilize and present this instrument again and again. 

The Teamwork Survey For Work Groups

Download your printable guide & reuseable license - great for all your work groups.  $129.

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